Mungu kwanza

Saturday 1 July 2017


God loves you so much He gave the ultimate Sacrifice for you. He designed you for a life of purpose and I want to help you fulfill your destiny… 

This is how to start.

I believe you are reading this because you were led here by the Holy Spirit.  It is important for you to realize that God is in pursuit of you! YES!  That’s right… the one true God, Creator of Heaven and Earth is in pursuit of YOU. If you have been searching, your life’s story is about to make sense and your unique purpose will be revealed to you in due time.
Right now… It is time for a change.  You may have been doing this thing we call “life” on your own. You may have been doing things your own way.
But you were not meant to go through life alone… as though you are lost in a sea of hopelessness and despair.  You are NOT a spiritual orphan.  You have a heavenly Father that is wanting a relationship with you.

You are a SPIRIT living a human experience.  You are NOT a human that occasionally has a spiritual experience.  Your spirit is eternal and from God. It is time to AWAKE UP from your sleep!
I am going to lead you to make a decision for Jesus Christ. Why? Because this is the first step.
First step towards what?  A life of purpose, joy, love, peace, blessing, direction, wisdom, and so much more!

Salvation is NOT just getting your sins forgiven – it includes that BUT it is so much more. Salvation is the TOTAL PROVISION of God for His people through the sacrifice of Jesus. Salvation covers EVERYTHING provided for us – Spiritual, physical, emotional, material – ALL BY the SACRIFICE of JESUS on the cross… BOTH FOR OUR TIME & FOR ETERNITY.

At the CROSS an EXCHANGE took place that was divinely ordained by God. Jesus gave His life, so that we may live. ALL the evil due to come to us, came on JESUS, so that ALL the GOOD due to JESUS, earned by His sinless obedience, might be made available to us.
Jesus was punished that we might be forgiven. Jesus was wounded that we might be healed. Jesus was made sin with our sinfulness that we might be made righteous with His righteousness. Jesus died our death that we might share his life. Jesus was made a curse that we might receive the blessing. Jesus endured our poverty that we might share his abundance. Jesus bore our shame that we might share His glory. Jesus endured our rejection that we might enjoy his acceptance.
All you have to do is receive this gift of the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross.  How do you receive it?  Through your confession by faith.

Prayer for salvation: Father, I thank you for sending your son to die for my sins.  At this time, let every sin in my life taken away. I humble myself and I acknowledge the sacrifice of your only son, My Savior, Jesus Christ. I ask the Lord Jesus, to come and be the Lord and the King over my life. Lord Jesus, I surrender to you. I surrender to you. I surrender to you. My mind my soul, my spirit, my body and everything you’ve given me, I surrender to you. This day remove my name from every book of judgement and hell and not let my name appear in the Lamb’s Book of Life as you originally planned for me. From this day, I will follow you, I will obey you. I will submit to your voice and your word. Now, oh Lord, take away the heart of stone and put in me the heart of flesh. Put your spirit within me and give me a new spirit. Cause me to follow your will and do your statutes. In the name of Jesus, I surrender to you. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for receiving me, for being my God, and for allowing me to be your child, in Jesus name. Amen.


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